We know the importance of accessing care in an environment that is safe, supportive, and inclusive. HealthQ provides services for all genders and sexual orientations. Our staff is trained to provide gender inclusive care and are very open to helping tailor your experience.

Sex-Positive Sexual Health Services
HealthQ offers a sex-positive and open-minded approach to your sexuality and its expression. We care about safe and consensual sex and pleasure. That’s where we come in. The rest is up to you, of course.
At HealthQ, sexual health includes testing and treatment for sexually transmitted and other infections that affect your sexual health, such as urinary tract and yeast infections, HIV testing and referral for treatment, information about HIV prevention including condoms and pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP or the HIV prevention pill), all FDA-approved methods of birth control, including no-scalpel vasectomy, and emergency contraception, and cancer screening and prevention. This includes Pap tests (cervical and anal) and colposcopy to detect pre-cancer and cancer, and vaccination against human papillomavirus (HPV) to prevent cancer. We provide annual preventative health exams and can help you address other issues, such as sexual function and pleasure, infertility, and miscarriage management.
Our doors and minds are open to you whether you know what you need or simply want more information on how you can keep yourself sexually healthy.
STI Testing and Treatment
Learn more about sexually transmitted infections, how they are contracted, common symptoms, testing and treatment options, and the risk for your partners. We offer in-office STI testing, including same-day HIV, gonorrhea, and chlamydia testing and quick results for other lab tests. If you need treatment, we’ll send your prescription to your nearest pharmacy and consult with you in-office or by telehealth. We offer vaccinations against human papillomavirus (HPV).

We offer rapid HIV testing. A rapid HIV test can detect HIV 6 to 8 weeks after exposure to HIV. This test involves a finger prick and results are ready in 10 minutes. We offer another test that is able to detect HIV within 2 weeks of exposure to HIV. This involves taking a small blood sample, which is sent to an outside lab. The results take about a week. Both tests are more than 99% accurate and your results are confidential.
We offer PrEP (pre-exposure prophylaxis), a once-daily prescription medicine for people at risk of HIV. It helps lower the chances of getting HIV through sex or injection drug use. You must be HIV-negative before and while taking PrEP. Talk to us about your risk for HIV and whether PrEP may be a good option for you.

Take Control of Your Health With Annual Preventive Exams
We recommend that our patients have an annual exam to protect and promote good health overall including your sexual health. During an annual exam we will ask for a full health history, conduct a physical exam (genitals examination only if clinically indicated), screen for STIs and cervical, STD’s, breast and other cancers, including a Pap test. Lastly, we will ask about your interest in birth control and discuss options as needed.
Sometimes we may recommend follow up screening for cervical cancer including colposcopy, which we can do at our office. For breast cancer screening, we may refer you for a mammogram.
Looking for 100% Confidential Testing?
If you are looking for 100% confidential STI testing and treatment, make an appointment. We will never disclose your test results to anyone without your consent. If you are concerned about the possibility that your insurance plan will disclose your health information by sending mail related to your visit, for example, find out whether you are eligible for our low-cost testing without insurance.
We offer a full range of approved methods. Talk to us about what’s most important for you in terms of a method—most effective, hormone-free, easy to hide, provides protection STIs as well as pregnancy, etc. We will help you decide the best method for you and your lifestyle.
Forgot to use birth control? We offer three methods of emergency contraception to help you prevent pregnancy up to 5 days of unprotected sex.
Considering a permanent method? We offer a no-scalpel vasectomy for patients.
Book Your Appointment
Book an appointment online or by phone or text. We do our best to schedule same or next day appointments.